Monday, February 25, 2013

1 month old

Henry Reed Watt is 11lbs 3oz!! That is almost 4lbs above his birth weight of 7lbs8oz!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Picture Overload

This is only about half of what I want to post. I'll put up more later!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Snow Day

We had heard that it was going to snow on Saturday and we figured it would be a little flurry like all the previous times. We were wrong. We had about 2 inches in 1.5 hrs. There were huge flakes and it was so beautiful. Mae loved the snow so much. Henry and I stayed inside and watched from the window that night but went out in the morning. I'm so thankful we got to have a snow day here before we left.

Henry in his snow suit. He loved being that warm! 
Shawn and the kids. Henry looks like an old man.

 He looks so tiny and adorable.

 Mae needed me to kiss her hands because she thought she had boo boos because they were so cold they were really hurting.
 Mae's new favorite treat is snow. We went out and got like 3 bowls. Shawn and I went out after Mae went to bed and got a couple huge bowls and made snow ice cream. I forgot how good it is! It seriously tastes just like homemade ice cream.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Week One

Today Henry is 11 days old and I am so in love. I cannot get enough of him. His happiest place right now is laying on my chest sleeping. I kinda love it too. ; ) They're only this little once so I'm planning on enjoying every bit of these tiny months! Henry is still super sleepy. He is usually only awake an hour in the morning and an hour before bed. He's sleeping 3-4 hrs at night and is a quick eater. Here are some pictures from our first few days getting to know him.

At the doctor's office at 3 days old. 7lbs 3oz
 First bath. Hated that one but has LOVED every one since.
 Isn't he so handsome!?
 Mae had to take a bath in his baby bath. Apparently she remembered it was hers first!
Trying to make henry grab his paci and leaning a little to hard on him. 
 After bath time chilling in front of the heater. 
 First family walk

 Click this picture to make it larger! He's 4 days old and that smile is so big!! He smiles every day. Mae took forever to smile.

 Giving him some sun to make his tiny bit of jaundice go away.

As you can see. Mae is in or in the background of every picture. She loves her brother very much. She loves to watch us give him baths and she wants to hold him for like 2 mins once a day and that is enough for her. I will say that Mae's sensitivity level has gone up about 20x's. Luckily Shawn is such a patient father and has dealt with her so well. She seems to be starting to get over being upset at me. I've been trying to get in more mommy and mae time though. 

Thank you Lord for our healthy, happy family.

ps. Our house sold... again. Praise God.